The Guards
2915 M Street
All 80’s and 90s pop with the occasional 70s hit; The Guards is the hotspot for college athletes, fraternity guys and their friends. However, its definitely mixed and you can always find the occasional fifty-year-old businessman on a trip that stumbled into The Guards from the Four Seasons. The crowd is pleasantly attractive and the attire is trendy casual.
Saturday Night is always crowded and a line is a sure thing. The Gryphon Room (the downstairs) is where all the action happens and by 1am it’s a hot sweaty mosh pit. The bar is tiny and impossible to get a drink. Shakn’ Not Stirr’d gripes, “the bartenders, two women, are just nasty.” (There has been some confusion with the term "nasty" used; in this context Shakn' Not Stirr'd meant unattentive and unfriendly). The drinks are not cheap and there are no specials to boot.
Downstairs bathrooms are small, long lines and no cell-phone reception.
All in all though, Saki Bomb gives it two thumbs up, “I’ve never not had a good time there.” Drawbacks aside, it’s a sure thing for a good time in sometimes lackluster Georgetown.
Instead of removing posts from your blog, you might consider removing the "nasty" name calling section from your review. Accomplished writers should have no trouble speaking their mind without resorting to junior high cafeteria banter. I've been to the Guards many times and had a great time. The bartenders work very hard--even when it's packed you don't have to wait long for service. I suspect the other 300 people that party there every night like the music and the strong drinks as much as I do. I'm sure they aren't that concerned with the "long bathroom lines" and "no cell service downstairs." Why so petty in your review?
"All in all though, Saki Bomb gives it two thumbs up, “I’ve never not had a good time there.” Drawbacks aside, it’s a sure thing for a good time in sometimes lackluster Georgetown." ... Just putting it out there... It seems to me the overall review is positive, is it not? and besides, its an opinion based blog, I wouldnt take "'nasty' name calling" personally. thanks for the review dcbw.
Our intention was not to insult the bartenders. We have not found them to be friendly/attentive. Perhaps nasty was not the word that conveyed our thoughts best, but it was a direct quote.
Additionally, the review is overall positive. Read it again if you're unsure. If our intention was to put every review in a completely positive light there would be NO point in having an objective review blog. This is an opinion blog. We're telling people the way we view the bar, the good and the bad.
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