2401 Pennsylvania Ave
Not for the underage or post college crowd. McFadden’s is, as Shakn’ Not Stirr’d comments, “GW’s best excuse for a college bar.” The interior is spacious with two levels and three full bars although I’ve never seen anyone at the upstairs bar. McFadden’s is a sports bar by nature and has its host of big screen TVs, comfy coaches and quite an array of yummy bar fare. The interior is pretty typical, wood paneling, lots of mirrors and promotional alcohol posters.
Tuesdays are especially popular due to the infamous $1 beer, $5 jager bomb specials. Another cool plus of McFadden's is their promotional email list. Put your name/email on this list on a regular basis and you'll win a free happy hour in a month at most. The DJ spins the perfect blend of eighties, nineties, and current hip hop and pop with the old classics mixed in. You’ll be beltin’ out “Don’t Stop Believing” before your second beer and grindin’ with that special someone or drunken stranger a few songs later.

Attractive college coeds are in no short supply and you’ll definitely leave with a phone number. The bartenders are playful and user-friendly and you’ll be cracking jokes with them in no time. Saki Bomb notes the downfall of McFadden’s to be in the bathroom lines. “For the Ladies: There always are at least two stalls out. Be prepared to hold it for awhile, although the bathroom attendant is always prepared with soap and a towel or whatever else you may need.” She’s a native of French-Africa and if you’re looking to brush up on your French skills before class on Wednesday she’s great practice.
Keep your expectations low and you’ll be pleasantly surprised with a full wallet and a phone number (or two) at the end of the night.
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