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Sunday, March 2, 2008

Late Night Eateries

For all you fans of post-bar's a quick list of our favorite spots.


Bistro Francais: Where else can you get quiche lorraine late night? For all you high-class broads and gents sit and enjoy a delicious meal in an authentic French cafe right next to your favorite bars in Georgetown.

Georgetown Cafe: GTC might be off the beaten path, but definitely worth the hike uphill on Wisconsin. 24-hr diner with quality chow. Who doesn't want pancakes at 3am on a Saturday night/Sunday morning? The fries are unreal and you'll be pleasantly surprised at the service. Even in the wee hours of the morning, the staff is cordial, even if you're not.

Johnny Rockets: If you don't mind not having an authentic Georgetown experience, J-Rockets is great for burgers and shakes apres a night at Garretts. The music is fun, the lights are bright and usually there's a pretty ridiculous crowd and if nothing else, you'll definitely feel 5-lbs heavier on the walk home.

Mon Cheri: Nothing beats this pseudo-French cafe on M St. Crowd favorites are steak and cheese, pita pizza and cheese fries. If you can speak Farsi, you get a plate of french fries for free. Good place to meet people if the bars weren't lucrative that night as everyone is drunk, hungry and open to new friends.


Julia's Empanadas: These delectable South-American treats are a fan favorite after bumpin' and grindin' at the cluster of dance clubs in the area. The interior is dingy at best, but once you taste the goods this place has to offer you won't mind.

U. Street:

Jumbo Slice: Not as good as the Adam's Morgan twin but still satisfying. One big plus is there are tables and chairs to sit and eat your ginormous slice of pizza. If you're feeling adventurous try plopping down next to some randoms and chat about your travels on U. Street.

McDonalds: We cringe to even put this on the list, but you have to admit those salty sticks of joy and the 2 all beef patties, special know the rest...are pretty tempting when you've had a bit too many cocktails. The place is always crowded and seemingly people aren't counting calories. Caution: You will regret this in the morning.

Taco Bell:'s not open late, but we love this place so much that the sight of one makes us giddy in our special place. If you ever make it to U. Street pre-9pm make sure you cop a Crunchy Taco Supreme and then tell us how good it was.

Adams Morgan:

Alberto's: People have been raving about this place for a while now so we thought we'd break our allegiance with the original Jumbo Slice and head across the street. Alberto's spicy slice wasn't our cup of tea. We felt like we needed 10 gatorades to wash it down and extinguish the lingering burn of Alberto's signature sauce. Some like it hot. We didn't. But some do.

Amsterdam Falafelshop: We have to be honest. We haven't checked this place out yet, but have heard nothing but rave reviews and didn't want to be bias. Maybe we'll try it next week. Or maybe we'll just go to Jumbo Slice..

The Original Jumbo Slice: you know...the one with the smoke machine, flashing lights and Top 40 playlist. No trip to Adam's Morgan is complete without a stop at the Original. No $4 item of food has satisfied my taste buds as much as this cheesy slice of heaven. The atmosphere is wild and crazy just like the neighborhood itself. There is a possibility you may meet your soulmate while waiting in line. That'll be a story for the grandkids.

These are some favorites that come to mind. Feel free to post any hangouts you and your crew frequent.


Anonymous said...

Did you honestly do a list of late night eateries and leave off Ben's Chili Bowl?

Anonymous said...

We havent had the chance to hit up Ben's Chili Bowl yet....give us your thoughts and we'll post them